Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Fuzzy Childhood Memories XIII

The Turds in the Hall

It's been a while since I've really posted anything. Fuzzy memories come and go, and they had been running dry for a while, but one has been sticking out recently and with my brother just starting his blog, it sort of inspired me...and yes, he is the main character in this one. Here it is, a fresh installment...

It was probably around 1985 or '86, I was 9 or 10 and my brother was about 6 or 7 years old. As always, the minor details are sketchy. I can't recall, but I'm fairly sure that it was during the Summer months and most likely on a Saturday. So my brother and I are just lounging around on the floor in the living room watching TV, cartoons probably, not really speaking to each other, just focused intently on the tube. It seemed like hours, we just sat there and stared, except occasionally we had to bang on the TV to get the picture back working.

On a side note, our TV was pretty crappy, it was one of those old school picture-tube consoles, it weighed so much that if it tipped over on top of one of us, we would surely be riding the short bus for the rest of our lives only if we survived, which was not likely. Another thing about the TV was that the picture would constantly go out. Sometimes you could fix it by banging on the top of it, but that didn't always work, so we had to do something we learned from watching our dad. It probably wasn't the safest thing for a kid to do, but it was worth the risk to get our cartoons back on the air. Our dad had loosened the back panel of the TV and he could fix the picture by reaching inside the back of the TV while it was still on and jiggle this aluminum box inside and the picture would come back. Without a concern for getting electrocuted, we would mindlessly reach our tiny hands inside this massive TV and grab a metal box and jiggle it and like magic, we were watching toons again, no big deal.

Anyway, back to the main story. So, we're just sitting there watching TV for a long time and I believe it was a commercial break when I barely even noticed my brother get up and take off running into the other room. He didn't say a word and in a matter of minutes he was back beside me watching the show. Probably about 15 minutes or so pass before the next break and I decide to go take a leak. This is when I notice something is not quite right. As soon as I step foot in the hallway, I notice a trail of turds leading to the bathroom, this was unacceptable. My brother had pulled his pants all the way down while running to the bathroom and his bowels let loose, spitting little turds here and there, two lay in the hallway, several on the bathroom floor, and even one on the toilet seat. I don't even think the dude wiped because there was one lonesome turd still left in the toilet, which was devoid of TP and I know he did not flush. Well, I certainly could not let this stand, so I summoned our mom to come investigate the scene. I don't think she was too pleased, I mean it's disgusting. I know he was only 6 or 7, but he should have known better. I was hoping for some justice, hoping that he would have to pick each turd up with his bare hand and scrub the floors clean, but he just gets off with a minor tongue lashing and gets to go about his business. This obviously had no affect on him whatsoever, because not too long after that, the same scenario occurred. I don't recall it happening again, I still wouldn't put it past him, especially if 'Fraggle Rock' came on and he had to choose between taking a dump and missing a precious minute of watching Doozers ride around. He loved that show, to me the original 'Muppets' were way better.

My brother loved Doozers as much as taking a dump on the floor (Probably still does):